(San Diego / Tijuana 1981)
Transdisciplinary artist and curator
based in the Southern California - Northern Baja California region.
based in the Southern California - Northern Baja California region.
Co-founder of nettnett space in Tijuana.
Explorer in the realms of artistic and holistic approaches to being and healing through sound frequencies, vibrations and music.
Composer / producer / performer of electronic music aka AyDD / Hidhawk and drummer with Traviesas y Milagros
Promoter of experimental / electronic musicians and artists of the region - Borderlandnoise. @borderlandnoisefest @borderlandnoise
Haydeé is a faculty member of the Art Departmenr at California State University Los Angeles teaching Art & Design in the Community and Social Engagement Through Fashion, Fiber & Materials.
Haydeé Jiménez
aka Hidhawk /AyDD
Take a listen:

sound art / music / field recordings / vibroacoustic / deep listening
Hi-fi/lo-fi field recordings and sample-based intuitive improvisation, textured commentaries, deep vibrations and perceptual remixes.
Hi-fi/lo-fi field recordings and sample-based intuitive improvisation, textured commentaries, deep vibrations and perceptual remixes.
AERA ZER︎ 2024
As collaborators, artists Haydeé Jiménez and Leah Vanessa Bachar work to dissect embodiment and surveillance / anti-surveillance in the first installment of Area Zero - a project seeking to develop a collective practice of processing broader socio-political issues at a personal, intuitive, and physical level. Experimenting with the notion of affected environments, their work considers languages of resistance, deconstruction in movement, healing in protest, and soundscapes in noise.
Leah Bachar is a founding member of the Al Limite, a collective of artists dedicated to creating performances, workshops, community building, direct action to highlight cross-border exchanges in various geographical areas.

Area Zero radio is the title of the 1-hour live recording that continues this exploration in collective processing. Drawing from field recordings, written text, and the immaterial,
the program is a digest, a reflection, and curation of artifacts originating in a week-long experimental study as part of the TACmusic Commission for Spring of 2024. Area Zero radio (vol.1) was recorded live at Cone Shape Top in Oakland and aired to listeners in local and extended transborder communities via nettnett radio and other collaborating programs. Leah and Haydeé began working with live recording formats for internet radio as co founders of nettnett radio - nettnettradio.com/MANIFESTO - at the onset of the covid-19 pandemic which forced the temporary closure of nettnett space in Tijuana, the artist-run space they began collaborating in since its founding in 2016.

Photos taken during the artistic residency at TAC in Oakland April 5 by Mike Ruiz.

La Tejeé / 2021
By Haydeé Jiménez in collaboration with Ejival / Static Discos & Angel Estrada / Tesoro Audiovisual.
Commisioned by Casa Del Lago, UNAM
La TEJEÉ teje una narrativa visual en presente, pasado y futuro, en la ciudad de Tijuana, que abraza a personas, migrantes y amigos, mediante imágenes, espacios y sonidos. Una exploración de la práctica artística y sonora de Haydeé Jiménez, que mediante sus sesiones de vibroacústica calibra la máquina del tiempo de diversos personajes que se cruzan en su camino, en su estudio nettnett, localizado en esa ciudad. Sonidos experimentales, espacio, ciudad, conocimientos ancestrales medicinales y activismo urbano confluyen para sanar la frontera en este cortometraje que es más ciencia comunitaria que ficción. Una producción de Static Discos, nettnett y Tesoro Audiovisual.
TEJEÉ weaves a visual narrative in the present, past and future, in the city of Tijuana, that embraces people, migrants and friends, through images, spaces and sounds. An exploration of the artistic and sound practice of Haydeé Jiménez, who through her vibroacoustic sessions calibrates the time machine of various characters who cross her path, in her nettnett studio, located in that city. Experimental sounds, space, the city, ancestral medicinal knowledge and urban activism come together to heal the border in this short film that is more community science than fiction. A Static Discos, nettnett and Tesoro Audiovisual production.